Microbiological analysis of milk ; detection of inhibitors in milk ; routine method brilliant black reduction test 乳的微生物检验.乳中抑制剂的检测.常规方法
The white towel round the woman - miner ' s neck set off her brilliant black eyes and her dazzling cap - lamp 这位女矿工脖子上的白毛巾,衬托出她那乌黑发亮的眼睛和耀眼的头灯。
Coolplus has porous surface which suppress light reflection at the fiber surface therefore the fiber isa able to exhibit brilliant black which conventional fibers can not achieve 表面之凹凸狭缝构造,使光产生乱反射,而大部分被纤维内部吸收,结果使得颜色之深色性大增,提高鲜明度而具有浓染效果